Friday, October 31, 2008

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
By John C. Maxwell

An excellent read on leadership priciples that will get you rethinking your personal management style and expand your horizons. I read it twice! Here are the chapter headings and a few of my key thoughts, although I could write for hours on the ideas that John helped trigger in my mind.

The Law of the Lid
The Law of Influence
The Law of Process
The Law of Navigation
The Law of E.F. Hutton
The Law of Solid Ground
The Law of Respect
The Law of Intuition
The Law of Magnetism
The Law of Connection
The Law of the Inner Circle
The Law of Empowerment
The Law of Reproduction
The Law of Buy-In
The Law of Victory
The Law of the Big Mo
The Law of Priorities
The Law of Sacrifice
The Law of Timing
The Law of Explosive Growth
The Law of Legacy What’s it mean to me?

1 The Law of the Lid: to grow exponentially you will need excellent leadership, or you hit the Lid. 2 The Law of Influence: I cannot lead if others are not influenced by me
3 The Law of Process: I cannot lead if I am not improving my processes, and my leadership development is a daily process.
4 The Law of Navigation: I cannot lead without seeing further than others see, and navigating a course with skill and timing to carry out our organizations plans
5 The Law of E.F. Hutton: I cannot lead if I don’t understand that when the real leader speaks, people listen.
6 The Law of Solid Ground: I cannot lead if I am living on a sandy foundation, trust is essential and grows with each correct decision and group victory, if I run out of leadership change, the bank is broke.
7 The Law of Respect: Leaders of 9 quality follow 10’s, 7’s can recruits 5’s and 6’s, but not 8’s. There is a law of respect among leaders.
8 The Law of Intuition: as I leader I will develop an intuitive sense of resources available to the group among us, and how to marshall those to advance the group
9 The Law of Magnetism:
10 The Law of Connection: connecting with a group is essential to lead them, I must first touch the heart before I ask the group to do something for me.
11 The Law of the Inner Circle: a guiding principle to explosive growth, the group is only as good as its Inner Circle of leadership, so consider your lieutenants wisely, and recruit the best leaders I can find.
12 The Law of Empowerment: I can only lead other leaders if I empower them to act without fear.
13 The Law of Reproduction: mentoring and then mentor other leaders will reproduce a host of leaders my organization if given time, a key. So, pick tomorrows leaders today and groom them, I will be able to walk away happily from the group and they will stay strong.
14 The Law of Buy-In: Others believing thte plan requires full explanatationn, time for questions, and time for Buy-In, part of the providing vision and navigation, and leadership to the group part of leading.
15 The Law of Victory: leading to win provides money in the leadership bank
16 Law of the Big Mo
17 The Law of Priorities: planning efficient use of time enhances leadership
18 The Law of Sacrifice: a leader looks out for the group first, not oneself
19 The Law of Timing: the right thing at the right time brings acceptance, the wrong thing or the wrong time brings resistance, both brings disaster
20 The Law of Explosive Growth: Leaders who raise other leaders experience explosive growth
21 The Law of Legacy: when you walk away and things roll on, you did it right

Thank you John, these principles and your excellent depth in each chapter is worth reading the book 2 or 3 times at least!

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